solar adj. 太阳的,根据太阳运行测量的;因太阳作用产生的。 n. = solarium. the solar system 太阳系。 a solar spot 太阳黑点。 solar light 日光。 solar energy 太阳能。 a solar battery 太阳能电池。 solar heat 太阳热。
Stanford solar physics group has endeavored to pursue the goal of understanding the origins of solar variability and its effects on the terrestrial environment . to accomplish this objective , we are actively involved in a variety of ongoing and upcoming projects . an overview of these projects and some of our related activities are presented 为了弄清太阳变化的来源及其对地球环境的影响,我们积极地参与了各式各样的正在和即将进行的研究项目.本文对这些项目作了综述,并介绍了我们有关的一些活动
the branch of astronomy that deals with the sun
For the physics journal, see Solar Physics (journal)